How It Works


  1. Sign up and purchase THE SCROLL, this is where our story and training starts.
  2. We then ship you the starter kit which contains a cap, glasses, ID badge and other goodies including two spy missions to get your junior agent up and running.
  3. There are four more deliveries containing all the training resources that support the first mission, along with all the evidence on the case we are investigating. You will receive case files, reports, witness statements, mystery objects, spy gadgets and other fun stuff to help with the investigations. Each mission lasts four months with mid month video mission debriefs updating our agents on how they are getting on with their investigations.
  4. At the end of the four months you have learnt the basic skills, cracked the case and graduate as a junior agent with us here at Spysquad HQ. the story has a surprising ending and conclusion with options to continue investigating with our second mission - THE CURATOR.
  5. You are then invited to climb the ranks as a junior agent level 2. More training and investigating is available in our second mission - THE CURATOR -this mission and training leads on from where mission one finished and the skills naturally increase in complexity.



  1. Our parties are only available in two locations, Cornwall/Devon in the UK and Miami area of USA.
  2. The spy party service is personalised for the birthday boy/girl.
  3. Our live events program is available all over the UK subject to availability.
  4. Our Live events are bespoke mysteries that utilise the venue to support the investigations and missions.
  5. Our school packages are bespoke and are available in the UK, Canada and USA

Kids Learn Best Through Play

We have all known for many years that children learn through play. Neuroscience has helped to prove this by showing us what happens when we learn.

Our products and services are created by our understanding of contemporary neuroscience knowledge and underpinned with psychology. We incorporate many cross curricular subjects to provide a broad and rich training experience. Our focus is on supporting the development of  soft skills, to promote health and well-being while enhancing our agents natural critical thinking and problem solving skills.

By combining the use of an interactive mystery adventure story, with physical props and items to investigate, online researching and video mission briefs, our subscription boxes deliver a truly wonderful experience that educates, empowers, and entertains. A multi-media experience like no other!